Ensuring Compliance with the Lead and Copper Rule
The U.S. EPA recently released the highly anticipated proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI). See the proposed rule here. Remember, water systems are currently required to provide an initial inventory of their lead service lines by October 16, 2024.
This is a big deal for anyone involved in providing clean and safe drinking water. The LCRI rules will focus on the following elements:
- Replacing all lead service lines within 10 years of the LCRI going into effect
- Further limiting allowable partial replacements
- New inventorying and verification requirements for inventory accuracy
- Reduced action level to 10 ppb
- 1st and 5th liter sampling requirements and using the higher lead level of the two samples
- Increasing filter distribution requirements
It can be challenging to determine the data collection and formatting requirements set by the EPA. However, with the aid of a GIS (Geographic Information System) solution, you can effectively track your inventory and ensure reporting compliance.
Below we’ll explore 4 ways a GIS solution can assist water systems in complying with the Lead and Copper Rule reporting requirements.
- Flexibility and Customization: When tracking and inspecting service lines, you need to be able to update both the city and homeowner sides of the line. GIS allows you to customize the fields to only show material types that are within your system.
- Community Engagement: Along with tracking your assets, you must let the community know what type of service lines are leading into their homes. Once inspections are complete, your GIS map can be shared and embedded into a city website allowing residents to find their address and see the details specific to the customer side.
- Data Management and Reporting: Digital mapping simplifies the reporting process required by the EPA. It enables users to download their service line data as a spreadsheet, apply filters, and easily submit to the EPA.
- Efficient Home Inspections: Digital mapping also allows field workers to do home inspections, quickly updating the home’s information without using a pen and paper. You can take notes and photos directly from your phone or tablet. No need to go back to the office and input notes.
With a solution like iamGIS, and the proper resources, you can track your lead and copper inventory and easily export a Lead Service Line Inventory (LSL) file that can be submitted to the EPA to meet their reporting requirements.