Print your facilities floor plans and features
Before printing, make sure the desired area and features are in view. It's best to move desired points to left side of the browser window. This allows for the print area to be centered.
From the Toolbox, select the Print Building icon
Overview Video
Printing a Building
Open your building, showing the floor plan and features. Zoom in to clearly display features and rooms on the facilities floor plan. Turn on/off the layers you want shown on the floor plan when printing.
Features that are turned on, but do not appear on the floor plan will still be visible on the print. If those are features are not a part of the print, make sure those layers are turned off so they do not appear in the print.
From the Toolbox, select the Print Building icon. iamGIS will begin the print dialog. Once complete, the print window will appear.
Change the print to desired layout to landscape or portrait.
Once the print screen is set to the correct level. Select Print.
Once Print is complete, the browser will refresh, going to the default origin and visibility of layers.