Layer Fields

The Fields section is where you can set what information (metadata) is able to be collected and/or displayed for features in this layer.

NOTE: Access is restricted to Admins only

🌐 TIP: Field updates apply to all maps with this layer.


The Fields section is where you can set what information (metadata) is able to be collected and/or displayed for features in this layer. Here you are able to update each individual field, such as the field name, description, default value, value options, etc..., as well as the order the fields should display.

Field Types

Text Field

Text fields are the most common field type, and are typically the best choice when unsure of which field type to use or when wanting to provide options for the user to choose from.

Multi-line Text Field

Multi-line text fields are very similar to text fields, with the difference being that the input on the screen will be taller (multiple lines) vs a single line, so as to better support longer values.

Number Field

Number fields are for numerical data, and can allow you to set a minimum value, maximum value, and the number of decimal points to allow.

Date/Time Field

Date/Time fields are for capturing the date and time for a specific timezone, and will allow users to view that time in their respective timezone.

Date Field

Date fields will capture the date only, with no possibility of value change based on timezone.

Time Field

Time fields will capture the time only, with no value change based on timezone.

Telephone Field

Telephone fields will appear and function just the same as text fields, but on mobile devices will show a keyboard that is more useful to entering in a phone number.

URL Field

Url fields will appear and function just the same as text fields, but on mobile devices will show a keyboard that is more useful to entering in a URL.

Email Field

Email fields will appear and function just the same as text fields, but on mobile devices will show a keyboard that is more useful to entering in an email address.

Calculated Field

Calculated fields are for displaying information only, whereby the system will automatically calculate the information to display based on the value provided. These fields support variables (example: {id} or {field-name}) that can be added to the value and will tell the system how to insert the value of that variable into the calculated field value. Variables can be information about the feature (coordinates, length, ID, ...), other field values, or math/logic expressions to be evaluated.  


Here are some examples of math/logic expressions that can be helpful in setting the value of a calculated field...

  • {=1+4}
  • {=({water-consumption-1}+{water-consumption-2}+{water-consumption-3}) / 3}
  • {=round(29.84*{outlet-coefficient}*({outlet-diameter}^2)*sqrt({pitot-psi-reading}),0)}
  • {=round((1-((1.0*{residual-pressure})/{static-pressure}))*100,1)}%
  • {=If(1>2 OR 5>6,"true value",If(3>2,"true value","false value"))}

Field Options

Every field has the option to add value options, which will turn the field into a select control where the user must pick from the list of options. Doing this provides better control over your data and can make it easier for users.

You can simply add/remove these options one-by-one, or you can use the quick action buttons just below the input to easily add all current values or to clear all values. Adding all current values will collect all field values for this field from the features in this layer and add them to options if they are not already included. This would be helpful to do after using the field without options for a period of time or after importing the layer, once there is data present to pull from.

Layer Field Enhancements

In Layer Settings, under your fields, you can open advanced settings to customize your field to greater detail.

Toggle on Allow Multiple Values - allowing users to select multiple values from the options list. 

Toggle on Custom Options - to allow for values that aren't in the pick list to be added as a value. This will allow users to add a unique value that isn't listed in the pick list. 

For a text field, set a minimum and maximum length to the field. 

For number fields, there is the ability to select the format of the value. In the Value Format dropdown box, select from the different options:

Standard - Will display your value as a generic number with a certain number of decimal places. In the decimal place value box, choose the number of decimal places you want your value to go. 

Percentage - Will display your value as a generic value. You can also select how many decimal places your value goes to. 

Currency - Will display your value in money. You can select how many decimal places the value goes or leave it at two to show cents. 

For all format options, an example of your value in the set format will be displayed under the value format. 

Copy and Paste field options from one field to another. You can copy one field's options and paste them to another field of the same type. If you copy the option list from a text field, you can paste those options into another text field. Copying from one field type to another will not work.