iamGIS Blog

Locating your City's Asset with GIS

Written by Garrett Mitchell | Jul 17, 2023 12:00:00 PM

Have you ever wondered how your city keeps track of its important resources?

In the past, cities used binders filled with maps to locate their assets, but this method wasn't always accurate or efficient.  There's a better way!

By using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and GPS technology, cities can improve how they manage their assets. Below, we'll explore how GIS and GPS can help cities be more organized and make better decisions about their resources.

Traditionally, cities would contract out the responsibility of GPS to locate their assets, often resulting in costly inaccuracies. But things have changed! Nowadays, GPS technology has advanced, making it easier and more affordable for cities to capture asset data themselves. 

With devices like the Trimble R2 and the help of GIS, you can collect data using your phone or tablet and add it to your digital mapping solution. This way, you can review the accuracy of the data right there in the field. 

This eliminates the need for differential correction and simplifies the data import process, making sure that asset information is seamlessly added to the digital map with high accuracy. 

No one knows your city's systems better than you, so it's empowering to capture your own data.

You can even attach photos or videos to the assets you're mapping, which provides more detailed information for future reference.


For example, when mapping points during a construction project, field users can take pictures or videos of the assets while they're exposed, giving them the ability to retain detailed information about the assets’ condition. 

Later on, when they're covered again, you can still view the attached media and learn more about the assets. 

By utilizing GIS and GPS technology, cities can guarantee that their asset management practices are up to date and that important data is not lost or overlooked.

If your city already has a digital map, that's great!

Yet there are still challenges to overcome, as construction projects and other factors can cause assets to shift over time. Manually moving points on the map is an option, but it raises concerns about accuracy. 

With digital mapping solutions like iamGIS, however, cities can address this issue by utilizing the GPS capabilities of smartphones or tablets connected to GPS receivers. 

By physically standing over an asset, such as a manhole or hydrant, field users can easily update the digital map in real-time, ensuring that the asset's location reflects its current position accurately. 

This capability not only saves time but also minimizes the need for costly asset relocation efforts using metal detectors.

Managing assets is crucial for cities to operate.


Luckily, GIS and GPS technology can make a big difference. By using these tools, cities can ensure that asset data is accurate and well-organized. With modern GPS technology, city employees can now use their smartphones or tablets to capture asset data. eliminating the need for expensive contractors and increasing accuracy. 

Additionally, with digital mapping solutions like iamGIS, field workers can update asset locations on the map in real time, keeping the map up to date and saving time. 

Embracing GIS and GPS technology helps cities manage their assets, paving the way for a more efficient and sustainable future.

Contact us to get started.